

The Guider 

The Guider is a handy offline/online city guide provides you with the most useful information about Sri Lanka.If you plan to visit sri lanka you must have this app.The Guider is not just a travel guide. It can be considered as Sri Lanka travel Information library or tourism information Directory.

Team : 2 developers 
Role :created Full Back End System ,RESTFUL web service & part of android application
Technology :android SDK,php , YII framework,RESTFUL,mysql

Android APP LINK:


Rockatar is a music learning platform for students who love to learn music. It is also the most entertaining place for kids where they can learn how to play guitar, keyboard and take quality music sessions
Team : 2 developers with project manager
Role : backend & front end developer
Technology : php ,Youtube api  amazon webservide,paypal,mysql,cloud hosting
Site Name : Rockatar.com


TlC.lk is Travel planning & tourism logistics provider- interactive map & travel guide, make & print your own tour itinerary, book chauffeur guides, grab travel deal.

Team : 2 Developer & 1 UI developer ,project manager

Role : backend & front end developement 

Technology :
YII framework, Bootstrap CSS framework , Google API , RESTFUL web service for feed travel places on to Google map , MY SQL , Facebook API , Google API ,

Back END : TLC backend url

Web site : www.tlc.lk


Streamline is Professional Conference Organisers (PCO), Streamline handle hospitality and conference industry is ready to assist you in planning your next conference or event.At Streamline Venues understand the need for meticulous organisation, planning and attention to detail. Our professional, specialist staff will assist to guide and direct the planning process, while working as part of the organising committee team.

Team : 3 Develoepers

Role : backend & front end developer with UI

Technology :
YII framework, Bootstrap CSS framework , Google API , RESTFUL web service for feed travel places on to Google map , MY SQL , Facebook API , Google API ,Twitter API,Google calendar API

Back END : Streamline backend url

Web site : Streamline

Leaderbet (mobile version)

Leaderbet is sport betting company they already developed online betting software .We develop mobile application .

Team : 2 Develoepers with UI developer & project manager 

Technology : Jquery, Java script, Css /html , Xml , RESTFUL web service , Php ,oauth,

Mobile version : https://m.leaderbet.com/mobile/public/sport/lbet_msports/new/

Web site : https://www.leaderbet.com/jsb/public/template/lbnew/index.zul .

Some other custom project 

  • http://www.huledet.com/
  • https://www.singful.com/

Some wordpress web site which i developed

 Discount Tire Centers


I developed this searching module for this web site & some custom page template



contribute to developed web site template



this is create & develop theme(with modification) & update & developed  plugin (user rating plugin)


  1.  http://www.celiact.com/
  2.  http://fullife-coach.com/
  3.  http://rockataracademy.com/


I contribute for this web site to develop category base admin contact module.

Plugin & widget (which I develop)

For YII framework : 

  1.  Reportsmcs : Develop report generate module for YII : http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/reportsmcs/ 
  2. Weathersmcs: View the latest weather forecasts, Find local weather forecasts for the cities throughout the world. using Yahoo Weather http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/weathersmcs/

Word press

  1.  WP-restful-requests (plugin) : WP-restful-requests provides full HTTP verb support (GET) for your resources, as well as the ability to offset, limit, sort, filter, etc… . You will also have the ability to read and manipulate related data with easy https://github.com/channasmcs/WP-restful-requests


  1.  This is the way end mail with Email Template Engine .save templates in database and replace some fields and send mail : https://github.com/channasmcs/email_template_engine-laravel-5


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